bangga buatan indonesia

Tas Kulit Raisa Anyam

Rp. 350.000,-

Detail (ID) :
Panjang Atas 41 cm
Panjang Bawah 35 cm
Tinggi 28 cm
Lebar 16 cm

*Model Kulit Di Anyam Manual
*Bahan Kulit Sapi Jenis Nabati Madura
*Terdapat 1 Kantong Resleting Di Bagian Dalam Tasdan Terdapat 2 Saku HP
*Dalaman Iner Nagata
*Handle Tidak Bisa Di Lepas
*UK Handle Tali 68 cm
*Tutup Tas Menggunakan Resleting Logam
*Terdapat 2 Kantong Di Bagian Depan Dan Belakang Tas

Detail (EN):
Top Length 41 cm
Bottom Length 35 cm
Height 28cm
Width 16cm

* Leather Model In Manual Woven
*Madura Vegetal Cowhide Leather
*There are 1 zipper pocket on the inside of the bag and there are 2 cell phone pockets
*Inner Nagata
*Handle Cannot Be Released
*UK Handle Rope 68 cm
*Close the bag using a metal zipper
*There are 2 pockets on the front and back of the bag

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SiBakul Jogja 2023