bangga buatan indonesia

Teh Eukaliptus Celup - Denayu

Rp. 30.000,-

masa kadaluarsa (max storage time):
1,5 Tahun
Detail (ID) :
Teh Eucaliptus celup dibuat dari racikan teh hitam, daun eucaliptus dan bunga rosella yang menghadirkan cita rasa baru bagi penikmat teh. Paduan rasa teh hitam bercampur rasa semriwing khas equaliptus menjadikan Teh Equaliptus berbeda dari teh biasa
Komposisi: Teh Hitam, Daun eukaliptus, bunga rosella
Cara penyajian:
1. Masukkan satu sachet kedalam gelas,
2. Tuangkan 200 ml air panas, bisa ditambahkan dengan gula
3. Aduk hingga merata
4. Minuman siap disajikan
Masa Kadaluarsa : 18 Bulan

Detail (EN):
Eucalyptus tea bags are made from a blend of black tea, eucalyptus leaves and rosella flowers that present a new taste for tea lovers. The combination of black tea flavors mixed with the typical semriwing taste of equaliptus makes Equaliptus Tea different from ordinary tea
Composition: Black Tea, Eucalyptus leaves, rosella flowers
Serving method:
1. Put one sachet into a glass,
2. Pour 200 ml of hot water, can be added with sugar
3. Stir until evenly mixed
4. The drink is ready to be served
Expiration Date: 24 Months

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