bangga buatan indonesia

Peyek Kacang Tanah Janena

Rp. 20.000,-

Detail (ID) :
Makanan kemasan berupa keripik yang terbuat dari bahan baku kacang tanah, dan tepung beras dan tepung tapioka, telur , daun jeruk dan bumbu rempah, tanpa MSG, dengan resep warisan yang khas tradisional Indonesia bercita rasa gurih, renyah dan nikmat. Cocok sebagai camilan maupun pendamping makan. Dikemas secara modern dan menarik dalam 2 kemasan plastik dan aluminium pouch. Memiliki daya tahan simpan 1 tahun

Detail (EN):
Made from fresh peanuts and traditional spices, this snack delivers a rich and delicious taste that captures the authentic flavor of Indonesia with its savory spices. The airtight packaging ensures the crackers remain crispy and fresh for longer, while the handy 100g packs are hygienically sealed for convenience and freshness. Naturally made without any preservatives, a healthier snack option, high in protein from peanuts, offering a nutritious alternative to regular snacks.
Enjoy the crispiness of Janena Peanut Crackers made from selected ingredients, blended with the perfect spices, creating a unique and special taste. Suitable as a snack for your family. Delicious, savory, crispy, and halal.

  Pesan Produk
SiBakul Jogja 2023