bangga buatan indonesia

Cajon Trapesium

Rp. 549.000,-

Detail (ID) :
Cajon ini dibangun dengan dek depan berbentuk persegi. Sisi kanan dan kiri berbentuk trapesium. Bentuk trapesium memberi pemain posisi lebih nyaman karena dek depan miring 45 derajat. Body terbuat dari kayu solid mahoni dan dek depan menggunakan material kayu meranti. Ukurannya 50 cm (tinggi) x 32 cm (lebar) x 31,5 cm (panjang). Solobeat Trapesium Cajon selesai dalam banyak warna dengan dek depan alami.
Perusahaan kami juga melayani custom cajon berdasarkan spesifikasi pelanggan. Pelanggan dapat meminta spesifikasi cajon, seperti warna, bentuk, bahan dan desain.

Detail (EN):
The Cajon is built with a square front deck. The right and left sides are trapezoidal. The trapezoidal shape gives players a more comfortable position because the front deck is tilted 45 degrees. The body is made of solid mahogany wood and the front deck is made of meranti wood. It measures 50 cm (height) x 32 cm (width) x 31.5 cm (length). The Solobeat Trapezoidal Cajon is finished in many colors with a natural front deck.
Our company also serves custom cajon based on customer specifications. Customers can request cajon specifications, such as color, shape, material and design.

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  Kunjungi Toko   Kunjungi Markethub
SiBakul Jogja 2023