bangga buatan indonesia

Piano Bench

Rp. 399.000,-

Detail (ID) :
Solobeat Regular Piano Bench terbuat dari kayu mahoni. Ukurannya 54 cm (tinggi) x 30 cm (lebar) x 64,5 cm (panjang). Seri reguler tidak memiliki kompartemen musik di bawah bantal. Bantalan terbuat dari spons dengan bahan kulit sintetis full cover.
Selain type tersebut, perusahaan kami juga melayani custom bangku piano sesuai dengan spesifikasi pelanggan. Pelanggan dapat meminta spesifikasi bangku piano, seperti warna, ukuran, jenis kayu dan desain.
Bangku piano ini bisa dicopot pasang dan tempat penyimpanan yang dibawah bantalan kursi tersebut juga aman untuk menaruh buku ataupun yang lainnya.

Detail (EN):
Solobeat Regular Piano Bench made of mahogany. It measures 54 cm (height) x 30 cm (width) x 64.5 cm (length). The regular series doesn't have a music compartment under the pillow. The pads are made of sponge with full cover synthetic leather.
In addition to these types, our company also provides custom piano benches according to customer specifications. Customers can request piano bench specifications, such as color, size, wood type and design.
This piano bench can be removed and the storage area under the seat cushion is also safe for placing books or something else.

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  Kunjungi Toko   Kunjungi Markethub
SiBakul Jogja 2023