Profil Mitra

ID Mitra SiBakul : SB214060


Shiroshima Indonesia

Merk Dagang : Shiroshima Indonesia
Kegiatan Usaha : Produsen Pakaian Jadi Batik
Nomor HP : 081381252779
Alamat : Ruko Mas Plasa Kav 12A . JL Urip Sumoharjo no.7 Jogjakarta 55222 KOTA YOGYAKARTA
Profil Usaha

Company Name Shiroshima Indonesia
Establishment 2019
Address Ruko Mas Plasa Kav 12A. Jl Urip Sumoharjo no.7 Yogyakarta 55222
Name / Position Dian Nutri Justisia Shirokadt/ Owner
Contact Tel/Fax 081381252779
Business Field Fashion Ready to wear Batik

Business Content Shiroshima, a fashion brand founded in 2018 domiciled in Yogyakarta, processes batik into ready-to-wear clothing by
combining traditional and contemporary elements. In contrast to processed batik fabrics in general, which are
identical to traditional motifs that look ""heavy"" and formal, Shiroshima chose to develop contemporary ""simple""
batik motifs that look more modern but still do not leave a traditional impression with the Batik process used namely
the technique of writing batik and stamping batik by the hands of batik craftsmen using recycled wax, canting, and
copper plates. This batik cloth is then processed into wearable clothes, can be used for formal events or casual
events just to meet friends"
Selling point Ready to wear Batik made by recycled batik with modern look , using natural fibres material , the color fabrication
without zat azzo. sustainable fashion using zero waste technique. Purpose of Participation to open New export
market, to introduce traditional batik wear with modern look

SiBakul Jogja 2023