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Koko Anak Aybar Series

Rp. 169.000,-

Detail (ID) :
sudah siapkah dengan pesona Family Set Maysuun yang special banget tahun ini? Kenapa sih kok special banget? Terinspirasi dari Busana Pesta bergaya Eropa Classic, Koko anak Aybar Series hadir melengkapi koleksi baju taqwa keluarga tahun ini. Koko Aybar, hadir mewah walaupun ditengah pandemi, dengan desain sederhana namun memancarkan keunikan dan kemewahan untuk hari2 special anak

Detail (EN):
Are you ready for the charm of the Maysuun Family Set which is really special this year? Why is it so special? Inspired by classic European-style party dresses, Koko anak Aybar Series is here to complete this year's family taqwa clothing collection. Koko Aybar, is present in luxury even in the midst of a pandemic, with a simple design but exudes uniqueness and luxury for children's special days

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SiBakul Jogja 2023