bangga buatan indonesia

House of Distraw - Laptop Case Tenun ATBM Antihan

Rp. 560.000,-

Detail (ID) :
Material terbuat dari tenun ATBM Anhan yang dikombinasi dengan kanvas katun celup warna alami.
Sisi dalam dilengkapi dengan busa yang dilapis kain blacu dengan jahitan kotak-kotak.
Zipper logam finishing bronze.
Handle kulit sapi asli.

40 x 28 x 2 cm

Warna natural kombinasi coklat kanvas katun ekstrak kulit kayu Tingi

Detail (EN):
The material is made of woven ATBM Anhan fabric combined with naturally dyed canvas cotton. The inner side is equipped with foam lined with checkered stitching and canvas fabric. The metal zipper has a bronze finishing. Genuine cowhide leather handles.

40 x 28 x 2 cm

Color: Natural with a combination of brown canvas and Tingi bark extract.

  Pesan Produk
SiBakul Jogja 2023