bangga buatan indonesia

Mukena Anak Dili Size XS

Rp. 209.000,-

Detail (ID) :
Mukena anak yang nyaman dipakai untuk sikecil beribadah.

Material : Santorini Premium Silk

Ukuran :
-Top Length (Top) : 70 cm
-Bottom Length : 70 cm
-Back : 75 cm

Keunggulan :
-Ringan dan mudah dibawa ke mana saja
-Halus dan Lembut
-Tersedia dalam pilihan warna yang menarik

Detail (EN):
A comfortable children's mukena to wear for little ones to worship.

Material: Santorini Premium Silk

Size :
-Top Length (Top): 70 cm
-Bottom Length: 70 cm
-Back: 75 cm

Superiority :
-Lightweight and easy to carry anywhere
-Smooth and Soft
-Available in a choice of attractive colors

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SiBakul Jogja 2023