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ABHA BEAUTY Acne Care Face Serum

Rp. 125.000,-

Detail (ID) :
ABHA BEAUTY ACNE CARE FACE SERUM diproduksi oleb PT Akusara Adi Sahwahita yang beralamat di Jalan Imogiri Barat No. 119b Bangunharjo, Sewon, Bantul

Serum ini merupakan serum jerawat yang diformulasikan menggunakan bahan-bahan alam (ekstrak) pilihan yang memiliki uji klinis khusus untuk jerawat sehingga tidak akan mengiritasi kulit namun tetap memberikan efek yang ampuh.

Serum ini efektif untuk mengurangi sebum berlebih pada kulit wajah dan mengurangi populasi bakteri P. acne yang menyebabkan timbulnya jerawat. Selain itu, dengan adanya ekstrak centella asiatica yang terkandung di dalam serum ini maka peradangan pada kulit wajah dapat teratasi.

Netto : 20 mL

BPOM NA 18220105849

Cara pakai : teteskan serum secukupnya pada wajah atau bagian kulit yang berjerawat dan ratakan, biarkan hingga meresap sempurna

Masa kadaluarsa : 2 tahun

Detail (EN):
This serum is an acne serum that is formulated using selected natural ingredients (extracts) that have had special clinical trials for acne so that it will not irritate the skin but still provide a powerful effect.

Here are some of the natural ingredients in the ABHA BEAUTY Acne Care Face Serum :
- Maclura cochinchinensis leaf phenylflavonoids: These compounds have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to treat acne.
- Nelumbo nucifera leaf extract: This extract has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help to reduce the appearance of acne scars.
- Camellia sinensis leaf extract: This extract has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help to reduce the appearance of acne scars.
- Psidium guajava fruit extract: This extract has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to treat acne.
- Angelica gigas extract: This extract has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to treat acne.
- Centella asiatica extract: This extract has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and wound-healing properties that can help to reduce acne breakouts and improve the appearance of acne scars.
When combined, these ingredients can work together to provide effective acne treatment.

This serum is effective in reducing excess sebum on facial skin and reducing the population of P. acne bacteria which causes acne. Apart from that, with the centella asiatica extract contained in this serum, inflammation of the facial skin can be resolved.

Benefits :
- They are typically gentle on the skin and less likely to cause irritation than prescription acne medications.
- They are often more affordable than prescription acne medications.
- They can be used in conjunction with other acne treatments, such as prescription medications or topical treatments.

How to use :
Drop enough serum on your face or part of the skin with acne and spread evenly, let it soak in completely

Nett. Weight : 20 mL
Registration Number : BPOM NA18220105849
Expired Date : 2 years

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PT Akusara Adi Sahwahita
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SiBakul Jogja 2023