Profil Mitra

ID Mitra SiBakul : SB287801


PT Ramu Padu Nusantara

Merk Dagang : MoonShine, Ramupadu
Kegiatan Usaha : produksi sirup, tisane, dehydrated herb & spices
Nomor HP : 085944609409
Alamat : Jl Raya Banteng 3 gang Ontorejo no 3. Ngabean Kulon, Sinduharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta KABUPATEN SLEMAN
Profil Usaha
Presenting high quality functional foods made of local organic spices, herbs, and roots, Ramu Padu Nusantara serves as a platform to bridge farmers and consumers.
Ramu Padu Nusantara added value to Indonesian’s agricultural products through food innovations. Various natural ingredients are combined to deliver premium gourmet syrup under the brand “MoonShine”. The exquisite delicacy of lemongrass, ginger, nutmeg, and other spices is now easy to savor. In addition, shelf-stable spices and herbs are provided under “Ramupadu” label.

Ramupadu ~ Flavor & Aroma of Nusantara

SiBakul Jogja 2023