Profil Mitra

ID Mitra SiBakul : SB291410


Kopinang Indische Koffie

Pemilik Usaha : Imelda Liliyanti
Merk Dagang : De KopInang
Kegiatan Usaha : Perdagangan kopi
Nomor HP : 082137500709
Alamat : Soropadan XII. Condong Catur. Depok. Sleman KABUPATEN SLEMAN
Profil Usaha
Kopinang Indische Koffie was built on 2018 after finishing the book of Boyolali's Coffee. It was De Kopinang Koffie Winkel at the firt than changed into Kopinang Indische Koffie by the end of 2021. Foscus on hot to build smart coffee ecosystem and working together with all stakeholders to make it come to reality.

SiBakul Jogja 2023