bangga buatan indonesia

Piring Batik Kayu

Rp. 85.000,-

Detail (ID) :
Material : kayu sengon/genetri
Berat : 200g (volume)
Diameter : 20cm

Produk kami merupakan kerajinan tangan yang memiliki beragam variasi warna,model dan motif. Daya serap setiap kayu berbeda-beda, wajar jika terjadi perbedaan warna antar barang.

#Barang difoto adalah contoh.
Jika ingin barang yang sama seperti foto harus pre order terlebih dahulu.
Tetapi jika bersedia dengan warna/motif/model lain akan kami fotokan barang yang tersedia di toko offline kami dan dapat segera dikirim.



Detail (EN):
Material: sengon / genetri wood
Weight : 200g (volume)
Diameter: 20cm

Our products are handicrafts that have a wide variety of colors, models and motifs. The absorption capacity of each wood is different, so it's normal if there is a difference in color between items.

#The stuff photographed is an example.
If you want the same item as the photo, you have to pre-order first.
But if you are willing with other colors/motifs/models, we will take photos of the items available at our offline store and can be sent immediately.

Thank You


  Pesan Produk
SiBakul Jogja 2023