bangga buatan indonesia

Bakpia salak

Rp. 60.000,-

Detail (ID) :
Komposisi: selai salak, terigu,gula,maezena, mentega, minta nabati,garam,vanila powder.
Masa kadaluarsa : 3 bulan dengan kemasan vacuum.
Isi : 15 pcs
Rasa : manis cukup, asam, gurih, tidak neg, ketika digigit terasa lembut.
Tekstur : kulit berlapis, kulit cruncy

Detail (EN):
Bakpia is a typical Indonesian snack, produced traditionally and hiegins. By buying Bakpia Alris products, you have helped eradicate poverty and helped our employees who are in the KRM category. Composition: Dodol Salak, Flour, Powdered Sugar, Butter, Maezena, Salt, Vanilla, Vegetable Oil, Water content: 15 pcs weight : 500 g Taste: slightly sweet, fresh sour texture: layered leather, crunchy, soft in the mouth

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SiBakul Jogja 2023