bangga buatan indonesia

Tepung Pisang Gluten Free

Rp. 22.000,-

masa kadaluarsa (max storage time):
24 month
Detail (ID) :
Tepung pisang adalah tepung asli Indonesia, sehat, gluten free dan alternatif pengganti tepung terigu.
digunakan sebagai bahan buat kue, cake, cookies, dll

Kadaluarsa : 24 bulan

bahan : 100 % pisang tanpa campuran tanpa bahan pengawet dan pewarna

Detail (EN):
Banana flour is an authentic Indonesian flour, healthy, gluten-free, and an alternative to wheat flour. It is used as an ingredient for making cakes, cookies, and more.

Expiration period: 24 months

Ingredients: 100% pure banana without additives, preservatives, and coloring agents.

Volumetric : 15 x 26 x 7
Capacity product : 1000 kgs per month

  Pesan Produk
SiBakul Jogja 2023