bangga buatan indonesia

Manisan Jahe Lemon Anglu

Rp. 30.000,-

Detail (ID) :
Kualitas premium
Produk ini diolah secara higienis dengan bahan alami pilihan menggunakan teknologi modern mesin pengering makanan (food dehydrator), sehingga terjaga kualitasnya dan sehat untuk dikonsumsi oleh tubuh. Bisa langsung dikonsumsi,.Mudah dan praktis dibawa kemana-mana.

Spesifikasi :
- Komposisi bahan : jahe, gula,.lemon
- Kemasan toples ulir berat bersih 100 gr per toples
- Daya tahan 10 bulan
- Legalitas : PIRT, Halal, Merk terdaftar HKI

Rasakan sensasi perpaduan manis, asam dan pedasnya jahe.
yuk buruan order!!!

Detail (EN):

1. Ingredients : ginger, lemon, sugar. It was made by premium quality natural ingredients.

2. The excellence of this product is processed with hygiene by using modern technology named food dehydrator (food drying machine) so that the herbal properties are still maintained. This product is certainly healthy for consumption, one of the benefit of this product is to help increase endurance. There will be a warm sensation in the throat and body while chewing and swallowing it. As the name of this brand, ginger lemon sweetmeats ANGLU, in the Javanese language, ANGLU means "Anget Neng Gulu" (warm in the throat).

3. Product serving instructions :
This product can directly consume by chewing it like a snack, easy and practical to carry everywhere.

4. Specifications :
- Materials composition : ginger, sugar, lemon
- Screw jar packaging (net weight 100 gram/jar) and standing pouch packaging (paper metal material, net weight 50 gram/pouch)
- Expired in 10 months
- Legality : PIRT, Halal, HKI, and MD BPOM distribution permit (in process).

Feel the blend of ginger: sweet, sour and spicy, inside it. Let's order!

  Pesan Produk
SiBakul Jogja 2023