bangga buatan indonesia

Gitar Junior 3/4

Rp. 850.000,-

Detail (ID) :
ukuran = ¾ klasik
terbuat dari Kayu mahoni dan material top ciprus
Fret : 18 atau kurang
ukuran keseluruhan : 36 x 13 inci
string nilon
produk kami sangat nyaman digunakan untuk kalangan umum, sangat cocok juga untuk para pelajar seperti SMP, SMA. kami berkolaborasi dengan master atau lutier gitar yang mana untuk menghasilkan beragam desan namun memiliki play ability sangat bagus, dan sangat nyaman di tangan.
ready stok dan bisa custom

Detail (EN):
size = ¾ classic
made of mahogany and cyprus top material
Frets: 18 or less
Overall size: 36 x 13 inches
nylon strings
Our products are very comfortable for use by the general public, also very suitable for students such as junior high and high school. We collaborate with guitar masters or lutiers to produce various designs but have very good playability, and are very comfortable in the hand.
ready stock and can custom

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SiBakul Jogja 2023