bangga buatan indonesia

Brownies Mini Panggang

Rp. 20.000,-

Detail (ID) :
By Pawon Mbok Tugi

hello guyss...
Pawon Mbok Tugi ada produk baru nih
namanya Brownies Coklat Mini Panggang
Brownies coklat yang rasanya nyoklat banget,
cocok buat temen disaat ngopi, santai bareng keluarga, dann Brownies coklat ini bisa dijadikan Hampers saat lebaran nanti..

Brownies Mini Panggang ini cocok juga ya dibawa untuk Travelling, Camping, dan stok cemilan di mobil, dikemas dalam wadah Toples cantik, yang bisa dibawa kemana mana

Komposisi :
Tepung terigu, Dark Cooking Chocolate ( DCC), Gula halus, bubuk coklat ( cocoa powder), margarin, spiringkle, chocochips, telur

harga yang tertera, harga/ pouch

Masa kadaluarsa produk 12 bulan,

Dan setelah kemasan dibuka selama 6 bulan dalam kondisi kemasan ziplock rapat

Netto : 33 Gr

yuks... cobain Brownies mini Panggang yang rasa nya nyoklat banget

Ukuran dimensi 16 x 3 x 24

Detail (EN):
hello guys...
Pawon Mbok Tugi has a new product
it's called Baked Mini Chocolate Brownies
Chocolate brownies that taste very chocolate,
suitable for friends while drinking coffee relaxing with family, and these chocolate brownies can be used as hampers during Eid later..

These Baked Mini Brownies are also suitable for Traveling, Camping, and stocking snacks in the car, packaged in a beautiful pouch, which can be taken anywhere.

Composition :
Wheat Flour, Dark Cooking Chocolate ( DCC), Powdered Sugar, Cocoa Powder, Margarine, Spiringkle, Choco Chips, Egg

1 pouch contains 20 mini baked brownies

Product expiry date is 12 months
And after the packaging is opened for 6 months in a tight ziplock packaging

Netto: 220 gr

Lets'go ... try Baked Mini Brownies
which tastes really brown

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SiBakul Jogja 2023