bangga buatan indonesia

Balok Kreatif Warna

Rp. 110.000,-

Detail (ID) :
Wooden blocks to train children's imagination and construction concepts, can be tidied up and arranged so as to train children's fine motor skills and hone creativity.

SNI products
Material: Mdf
Waterbase Paint
Size: 32 cm x 24 cm x 2.4 cm

Detail (EN):
Wooden blocks to train children's imagination and construction concepts, can be tidied up and arranged so as to train children's fine motor skills and hone creativity.

SNI products
Material: Mdf
Waterbase Paint
Size: 32 cm x 24 cm x 2.4 cm

  Pesan Produk
CV. Anak Bangsa Cerdas (ABC) Toys
  Kunjungi Toko   Kunjungi Markethub
SiBakul Jogja 2023