bangga buatan indonesia

DAISY Embroidery Tunic Series (OLIVE)

Rp. 179.000,-

Detail (ID) :
DAISY Embroidery Tunic Series

- Special Embroidery pada bagian lengan by
- Detail Ruffle asimetris bagian depan
- Kancing depan
- Material Natural fabric (Rayon Twill Premium)
1. Tekstur yang halus dan lembut kerena diciptakan dari serat alami (kapas) sehingga lebih nyaman digunakan untuk beraktifitas.
2.Tidak Menyebabkan Alergi, tergolong aman digunakan bahkan untuk orang yang berkulit sensitif sekalipun.
3. Tebal dan kuat namun tetap bertekstur lembut, jatuh, serta nyaman dipakai.
4. Mudah Menyerap Keringat sehingga dingin dan menyejukkan.

Size chart :
LD 100
PB 75
P tangan 57

LD 110
PB 75
P tangan 60

Detail (EN):
DAISY Embroidery Tunic Series

- Special Embroidery on the arm by
- Front asymmetrical Ruffle detail
- Front buttons
- Natural fabric (Rayon Twill Premium)
1. Smooth and soft texture because it is created from natural fibers (cotton) so it is more comfortable to use for activities.
2. Does not cause allergies, classified as safe to use even for people with sensitive skin though.
3. Thick and strong but still soft textured, falling, and comfortable to wear.
4. Easily Absorbs Sweat so it is cool and soothing.

SIZE / Chest / Length / Sleeve Length (cm)
S / 100 / 75 / 57
L / 110 / 75 / 60

  Pesan Produk
SiBakul Jogja 2023