bangga buatan indonesia

Sambal Teri Abang Mbok Tukoe

Rp. 35.000,-

Detail (ID) :
Isi 130gr
Tanpa Pengawet dan MSG tahan 1 Tahun
Botol kaca tersterilisasi
100% Cabe Segar langsung dari petani
Halal dan P Irt
Proses Sterilisasi, higienis, praktis sehingga aman dan layak di konsumsi sehari-hari
Setelah dibuka simpan di kulkas tahan 4 bulan, setelah dibuka di suhu ruang tahan 7 hari, kondisi masih segelan di suhu ruang tahan 1 Tahun

Detail (EN):
(Sambel Teri)
Brand : Mbok Tukoe Anchovy Red Chili Paste
Type : Red Chili Paste with Dried Anchovy

Net Weight: 130gr
Ingredients : Dried Anchovy, Red Chili, Garlic, Onion, Salt, Sugar, Mushroom Seasoning, Cooking Oil and other spices. Preservatives and MSG Free,
Description : 100% Fresh Red Chili from farmers, Sterilized bottle packaging, makes it hygienic and practical. Great taste, suitable for daily consumption. Registered for Halal and PIRT.
Storage Instruction : Last up to 1 year with sealed lid. After opening, Store in the refrigerator to last up to 4 months and 7 days at room temperature.

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SiBakul Jogja 2023