bangga buatan indonesia

Thiwule Cookies 90 gram

Rp. 20.000,-

Detail (ID) :
Thiwule Cookies, adalah camilan yang diolah dari bahan tradisional ( tepung thiwul) dipadukan dengan bahan kekinian (butter, chocochips, keju, almond, kacang, jahe, kayu manis, palm sugar, telur) kemudian dipanggang dalam oven.
Setelah dioven thiwule cookies di kemas dalam kemasan box 90 gram.

Thiwule Cookies ada 7 rasa yaitu
1. Rasa Original
2. Rasa Chocochips
3. Rasa Keju
4. Rasa Almond
5. Rasa Kacang
6. Rasa Jahe
7. Rasa Kayu Manis

Thiwule Cookies mempunyai ketahanan sampai 8 bulan atau 240 hari dari masa produksi.

Keunggulan Thiwule Cookies ini antara lain
- gluten free
- mengandung kalsium, serat dan fosfor yang tinggi
- kaya akan vitamin C
- mengandung Fitoestrogen

Detail (EN):
Thiwule Cookies, are snacks made from traditional ingredients (thiwul flour) combined with modern ingredients (butter, chocochips, cheese, almonds, palm sugar, eggs) then baked in the oven.

After being baked, the thiwule cookies are packed in special plastic then sealed and put in a special box packaging that is adjusted to the flavor variant (chocochips, cheese and almonds)

If consumers want to enjoy it, consumers can immediately open the box packaging and tear off the plastic sealer and can immediately consume it as a snack at home or on the go.

Thiwule Cookies have 3 flavors namely
1. Chocochips flavor
2. Cheese Flavor and
3. Almond flavor.

Thiwule Cookies have a shelf life of up to 6 months or 180 days from the production period.

The advantages of Thiwule Cookies include:
- high in calcium, fiber and phosphorus
- rich in vitamin C
- Contains Phytoestrogens

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SiBakul Jogja 2023