bangga buatan indonesia

Wedang Uwuh (serbuk) Putri Teko

Rp. 15.000,-

Detail (ID) :
Putri Teko Wedang Uwuh
Komposisi :
Jahe Emprit, Kapulaga, Secang, Gagang Cengkeh, Daun Kayu Manis, Daun Cengkeh, Daun Pala, Gula Batu Kristal, Air 

Tanpa Bahan Pengawet 

Tanpa Bahan Tambahan Pangan (BTP)

Tanpa Ampas
Tidak mudah menggumpal-basah

Cara Penyajian : Langsung Seduh dengan air 250 ml

Bisa disajikan panas atau dingin 

Berat Bersih per box : 125 Gram 

Berat Bersih Per Sachet 25 Gram

Bahan kemasan per sachet : Alumunium Foil Full Printing

Expired : 20 Bulan

Detail (EN):
Putri Keko Wedang Uwuh
Composition :
Emprit Ginger, Cardamom, A Cup, Clove Handle, Cinnamon Leaves, Clove Leaves, Nutmeg Leaves, Rock Sugar Crystals, Water
Without preservatives
Without Food Additives (BTP)
Without dregs
It's not easy to get wet
How to Serve: Brew directly with 250 ml of water
It can be served hot or cold
Clean weight per box: 125 grams
Net Weight Per Sachet 25 Grams
Packaging material per sachet: Aluminum Foil Full Printing
Expired : 20 Months

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SiBakul Jogja 2023