bangga buatan indonesia

Ayam Krispy Mbok Tugi

Rp. 40.000,-

Detail (ID) :

Ayam krispy terbuat dari Ayam segar pilihan yang di bumbui dengan bawang putih, penyedap rasa non MSG dan tanpa bahan pengawet. Ayam fillet dibalut dengan tepung berbumbu dan di goreng hingga matang.

Ayam krispy mbok tugi ini siap saji ya, sudah matang, sehingga cocok dibawa untuk bekal travelling, untuk berkemah, stok lauk dirumah dan bekal anak anak ke sekolah.

Ayam krispy mbok tugi dikemas dalam vacum, lengkap dengan saus dan bawang bombay, yang dikemas secara terpisah.

Ayam Krispy Mbok Tugi tersedia 2 varian rasa :
Saus Oriental
Saus Tiram

Komposisi : Ayam, Tepung bumbu fried chicken, tepung maizena, bawang putih, bawang bombay, saus sambal, saus tiram, saus tomat, kecap, penyedap rasa non MSG, garam, lada, gula.

Penyimpanan :
- Baik di simpan dalam lemari es
- Suhu ruang 10 hari
-Chiller 3 bulan - 6 bulan
- frezer 6 bulan - 12 bulan

Cara penyajian :
Ayam krispy sudah matang,
Goreng ayam sebentar kurang lebih 1 menit
Tumis bawang bombay dengan 1/2 sdm margarin atau minyak goreng
Masukkan saus, dan ayam yg sudah digoreng sebentar, lalu sajikan selagi hangat

Sudah bersertifikat HALAL dan terdaftar PIRT

" Ayam Krispy Mbok Tugi Lezat, Enak, Gurih "

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terima kasih

Detail (EN):

Crispy chicken is made from selected fresh chicken seasoned with garlic, non MSG flavoring and no preservatives. Chicken fillet coated with seasoned flour and fried until cooked.

This crispy chicken, mbok tugi, is ready to eat, it's cooked, so it's suitable for traveling, for camping, for stocking side dishes at home and for the children to go to school.

The crispy chicken mbok tugi is packaged in a vacuum, complete with sauce and onions, which are packaged separately.

Mbok Tugi Krispy Chicken is available in 2 flavors:
Oriental Sauce
Oyster sauce

Composition: Chicken, fried chicken seasoning flour, cornstarch, garlic, onion, chili sauce, oyster sauce, tomato sauce, soy sauce, non MSG flavoring, salt, pepper, sugar.

Storage :
- Best kept in the fridge
- Room temperature 10 days
-Chiller 3 months - 6 months
- freezer 6 months - 12 months

Serving method :
Crispy chicken is cooked
Fry the chicken briefly for about 1 minute
Sauté the onions with 1/2 tablespoon of margarine or cooking oil
Add the sauce, and chicken that has been fried for a while, then serve while warm

HALAL certified and PIRT registered

" Crispy Chicken Mbok Tugi Delicious, Tasty, Savory "

  Pesan Produk
SiBakul Jogja 2023