bangga buatan indonesia

Virgin Coconut Oil (minyak kelapa murni)

Rp. 50.000,-

Detail (ID) :
Komposisi: kelapa.
Berat bersih: 100 ml.
Keunggulan : Cold process (proses dingin), tanpa aditif, multi filtrasi, less metal contact (minim kontak material logam), tidak tengik, tahan lama, antimikroba, antijamur, dan antivirus.
Penggunaan : Langsung dipakai atau dikonsumsi.
Masa kadaluarsa: 2 tahun.

Detail (EN):
Armazilla's Virgin Coconut Oil is made from selected coconut extract, made by cold processed method, non additives ingredients, hygienically procedure, and multi-filtration with less contact to metal. Our products have antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral properties. So it not rancid, rich lauric acid and is safe to consume.

  Pesan Produk
Armazilla Agro Kencana
  Kunjungi Toko   Kunjungi Markethub
SiBakul Jogja 2023