bangga buatan indonesia

Kartu Kuartet Budaya Dieng

Rp. 150.000,-

Detail (ID) :
Kartu Kuartet ini berisi tentang 16 kategori keanekaragaman budaya dan alam di Dataran Tinggi Dieng. Dataran Tinggi Dieng mencakup 6
Kabupaten yang berada di pegunungan di Jawa Tengah. Cara bermainnya pemain harus mengumpulkan 4 buah kartu budaya khas yang memiliki kategori yang sama.

SKU: ARKS-0001 | Jumlah Kartu: 64
Ukuran Kartu : 10.5 x 7 cm
Bahan : Art Carton 260 gr

Rekomendasi usia: 7-11

Detail (EN):
This Quartet card set showcases 16 categories of cultural and natural diversity found in the Dieng Plateau, a highland region that spans six districts in the mountainous area of Central Java. The game is played by collecting four cards that represent the same cultural category.


SKU: ARKS-0001
Number of Cards: 64
Card Size: 10.5 x 7 cm
Material: 260 gr Art Carton
Recommended Age: 7-11

Perfect for children aged 7 to 11, this educational card game offers a fun and interactive way to learn about the rich cultural heritage and natural beauty of the Dieng Plateau. As they play, children will deepen their understanding of Indonesia's diverse cultural landscapes while enjoying a classic game of strategy and collection.

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CV Bumi Edukasi Kreatif
  Kunjungi Toko   Kunjungi Markethub
SiBakul Jogja 2023