bangga buatan indonesia

Buku Cerita Kain Batik untuk Kara

Rp. 155.000,-

Detail (ID) :
Cap! Cap! Kata Kara mengikuti bunyi cap batik memenuhi ruang kerja Bude Dama. Kegiatan membatik dengan teknik cap ini merupakan pengalaman pertamanya yang sangat menyenangkan! Kain batik seperti apa yang Kara buat, ya?

Spesifikasi Produk: Ukuran Buku 22 x 22 cm
Hard Cover
6 Lembar Aktivitas

Rekomendasi usia: 5-7, 7-11

Detail (EN):
"Cap! Cap!" The sound of the batik stamping tool echoes throughout Bude Dama's workshop as Kara tries her hand at the traditional art of batik stamping for the first time. The rhythmic sound of the stamp fills the room, and Kara's excitement grows as she creates her own unique batik design. What kind of batik fabric will Kara make?

Product Specifications:

Book Size: 22 x 22 cm
Includes 6 Activity Pages
Recommended Age: 5-7, 7-11

This book offers an engaging and educational experience for children, allowing them to explore the art of batik in a fun and interactive way. Through hands-on activities, young readers can learn about the traditional Indonesian craft while creating their own beautiful batik designs. Perfect for nurturing creativity and cultural appreciation in children aged 5 to 11.

  Pesan Produk
CV Bumi Edukasi Kreatif
  Kunjungi Toko   Kunjungi Markethub
SiBakul Jogja 2023