bangga buatan indonesia

Peta Magnetik Nusantara

Rp. 375.000,-

Detail (ID) :
Jelajah Indonesiaku - Seri Warisan Budaya & Alam Diakui Dunia

Ajak si kecil mengenal kekayaan budaya dan alam Indonesia dengan berkeliling dari pulau ke pulau. Caranya dengan tempel pin bergambar dengan pada Papan Peta. Dalam satu paket pembelian peta sudah termasuk buku, papan peta, dan stiker magnet.
Rekomendasi usia: 5-7, 7-11

Ukuran papan: 60 x 35, Lipat
Bahan: Hard Board Laminasi Glossy

Ukuran Buku: 20 x 20 cm
Jumlah: 32 halaman

Ukuran Buku: 20 x 20 cm
Jumlah Lembar: 3 lembar
Jumlah Pin Magnet: 56

Detail (EN):
Take your little one on a journey across the rich cultural and natural landscapes of Indonesia, hopping from island to island. With this interactive set, children can place picture pins on the Map Board to learn about Indonesia's treasures. The complete set includes a book, map board, and magnetic stickers.

Recommended Age: 5-7, 7-11


Map Board Size: 60 x 35 cm, Foldable
Material: Glossy Laminated Hard Board
Book Size: 20 x 20 cm
Book Pages: 32 pages
Activity Pages: 3 pages
Magnetic Pins: 56 pins
This product is perfect for inspiring curiosity and learning about Indonesia's diverse cultural and natural heritage. Through a hands-on experience, children can explore the country's wonders while developing a deeper appreciation for its unique legacy.

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SiBakul Jogja 2023